As we draw closer to the much awaited 2021 presidential election, the people power leadership headed by their principal Robert Kyagulanyi Sentamu...
Omubaka mu lukiiko olukulu olwegwanga ate era nga munakisinde Kya people power Hon. Kyagulanyi Sentamu Robert abasinga gwebamanyi ga Bobi Wine avudeyo...
Omuyimbi ate nga yetwala okubera president wa Ghetto omukulu Buchaman avuddeyo neyegaana okubeera munakibiina Kya NRM ekiri mubuyinza. Buchaman agamba nti ye...
Uganda Number one blogger and former people power activist Ashburg finally joins President Museveni. From our trusted source says Ashburg was signed...
Museveni Senior Advisor Tamale Mirundi must stop blackmail. He has an obsession for blackmailing Museveni opponents. But if it’s true (I highly...
– Kanyamozi lost her firstborn son in 2014 after he suffered an asthma attack – Fans flocked social media with congratulatory messages...
As the 2020 Masaza Cup nears its start, teams continue stepping up preparations. Kyadondo FC is the latest to come out...