John Pombe Magufuli Wins Tanzania Presidential Elections 2020


John Pombe Magufuli has won Tanzanian presidential election for the second time.He emerged the winner in which make him to serve the presidential office second term . Magufuli emerged the winner on polls which was conducted on 28 Wednesday October , the polls that made it turn to sixth after multi – politics was born in Tanzania way back 1992.

National Electoral Commission chairman Judge Semistocles Kaijage release the presidential winner in Dar es Salam after whole exercise in counting of polls was done away with.According to Judge Kaijage voters who turned out to vote were 15,091,950 out of the 29,754,696 registered voters.Pombe Magufuli emerged the winner after having 12,516,252 votes out of the 15,091,950 total votes cast the figure which saw his close opponent Tundu Lissu who recorded 1,933,271 Votes of the total votes cast on Wednesday’s poll too behind.

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Congratulations to Pombe Magufuli let him deliver on Tanzanians by bettering their lives.



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