Uganda news

Analysis of academic performance between private and government-aided schools

Analysis of academic performance between private and government-aided schools

A new study conducted by the Uganda National Examinations Board comparing the academic performance of private and government-aided secondary schools has revealed some noteworthy differences. 

 The study analyzed national examination pass rates over the last 5 years across various subjects including English, Mathematics, Biology and others. It found that on average, private schools tended to have higher scores than government-aided schools.

For example, in English, the average pass rate across all private examined schools was 78% compared to 65% for government-aided schools. Similarly in Mathematics, private schools achieved a pass rate of 72% versus 60% for government-aided institutions. 

The differences were less pronounced in some subject areas like Biology, where private schools passed 73% of students compared to 68% at government schools. However, private schools still maintained a small advantage.

Education experts suggest some potential factors for the academic performance gaps. Private schools often have more flexibility in curriculum, staffing and resources. They can leverage school fees to improve infrastructure, hire experienced teachers and keep class sizes smaller.

Meanwhile, government-aided schools still rely heavily on state funding which is limited. They face challenges in areas like large class sizes, lack of teaching materials, and inability to supplement teacher salaries competitively.

The findings point to the need for government to potentially invest more funding and support into public schools in order to close achievement gaps. However, more research would be needed to fully understand and address the root causes of differences in academic outcomes. Overall, the study provides insightful data for ongoing education policy discussions.

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