
Museveni’s Address on Lockdown

1. Public transport is now allowed but will carry half of normal capacity including the driver and the conductor with effect from 4th June 2020.


*All passengers, driver and passengers must wear face masks


2. Brokers, taxi/bus touts, hawkers are not allowed in the public transport parks/ terminals.

3. Public and private transport is still banned in the border districts.


4. Bodabodas are still banned from carrying passengers until further notice.


5. Bars, saunas, salons, gyms, public swimming are still banned for another 21days.


6. International borders and airports will remain closed until further notice.


7. The School going candidates /finalists total to a number of 1.4m and Govt doesn’t have the resources to test the numbers for COVID19 every 2 weeks, in addition , day schoolers, school workers and teachers are still high risk because they oscillate between home and the school premises .


*Therefore, Schools will remain closed for the candidate learners for one more month.


*Govt to pursue distance learning methodology (TVs, Radio, etc) for learners during the lockdown.


8. Curfew will continue from 7.00 pm-6.30am.


9. Churches and mosques will remain closed.


10. Political and cultural public gatherings are still probihited until further notice.


11. Shopping malls will be allowed to open starting 4th June 2020.


12. Govt issued face masks will be ready for public distribution from 10th June 2020.


*Border districts will be the first priority for face mask distribution.


13. The biggest number of cases are South Sudan Truck drivers.


14. Four thousand (4,000) persons were arrested during the lockdown, their cases are going to be reviewed by DPP and early release from jail may be considered.

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