Making sense of Mabirizi Male case against Bobi Wine

Making sense of Mabirizi Male case against Bobi Wine.
Bobi Wine’s Parliament Bio Data shows him as Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu born on 12 Feb 1982, completed S.4 in 1996 and S.6 in 1998 then Dip in MDD MUK in 2003.
City lawyer Mabirizi biased the fact that one cannot complete a 13 year eductation cycle when he is 16 years old and thus requested for academic documents that Bobi Wine submitted while being nominated for Kyadondo East Constituency parliamentary elections in 2017. The following is what he found out as discrepancies and unexplained irregularities in the documents.
While being Nominated in Wakiso, Bobi Wine declared that he was 35 years (born in 1982) while the diploma transcript from Makerere says he was born on Feb 12, 1980 and therefore would have been 37 in 2017.
His O Level certificate showed that he sat O Level in 1996 and his A Level certificate showed that he sat A Level in March 1998. In the 1990s, A Level entrants would join in May and do final exams in March. So for someone who finished S. 4 in 1996 Dec, he should have joined A Level in May 1997 and by March 1998 when Bobi Wine sat his A Level according to his certificate, he had spent only one year which is not only impossible but also unacceptable according to Uganda’s education curriculum where A Level takes two years.
On his O Level certificate the name of the candidate appears as Kyagulanyi Ssentamu R while on the A Level certificate the name appears as Kyagulanyi Robert Ssentamu. This in its legal context, unless someone verifies beyond doubt and swears an affidavit (hope this is the right law phrase), shows that these are two different people. The one who sat A Level and the one who sat O Level.
Male Mabirizi has so far paid the required fee by UNEB to access information about Robert Kyagulanyi academic documents.
It’s from this background that Male Mabirizi petitions the electoral commission not to nominate Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu since he has no required academic credentials to be nominated for the President’s seat.
He goes ahead and requests for the issuance of Warrant of Arrest of Kyagulanyi from the Wakiso Magistrates Court on 5 cases that come from Giving false information, Uttering False documents and Obtaining nomination by false pretense.
Should Male Mabirizi’s petition become fruitful,
i) Bobi Wine will be arrested and tried in courts of law over the above cases.
ii) Bobi Wine will be barred from contesting in 2021 elections over lack of academic documents since his A Level certificate (Which is the minimum academic document required) is in question.
Should the petition be unsuccessful, the ones above will not happen. Fingers crossed
Read also: Bebe Cool set to Reconcile with Bobi Wine and join NUP