In recent days, the United Kingdom’s sanctioning of the Speaker has cast a revealing light on the troublesome situations that the Bukedea...
It will be a moment to record forever as ForteBet-Alex Muhangi soccer tour stepped foot in Kayunga. The tour, which takes place...
Recent reports suggest that State House may have relaxed COVID-19 regulations when it comes to conducting meetings. The alleged relaxation of rules...
As technologies advance at an exponential rate, difficult questions arise about how to ensure safety and accountability. One such debate centers around...
The highly anticipated opening of the new maternity complex at Masaka Regional Referral Hospital has hit a snag due to a lack...
It was an exciting experience over the weekend as ForteBet, Uganda’s leading betting company gave a surprise package of gifts to its...
In a historic turn of events, the contentious anti-gay law has now ascended to the pinnacle of justice, the Supreme Court. This...
Love: In a shocking turn of events, a single moment of anger and jealousy shattered the tranquility of a neighborhood, forever altering...
ForteBet, Uganda’s leading betting company over the weekend again did what it is good at-gifting its customers with priceless goodies. Hundreds of clients...
In a significant development, the government has announced that it does not plan to appeal the recent anti-gay ruling. This decision, which...