
Five ways to keep a long distance relationship safe.

Long distance relationship is the one between partners who are geographically separated from one another. It Increases financial burdens to maintain relationships since partners in Long distance relationships face geographic separation and lack of face-to-face contact. Long distance relationships are particularly prevalent among college students, constituting 25% to 50% of all relationships.
In 2015 a survey suggested that in Uganda 1 to 1.5 million people were considered to be in a long-distance relationship. In 2019 closer to 5 million people considered themselves to be in a long-distance relationship.

Over 3.5million people are those who work outside Uganda and 1.5 million people their average amount of distance in a long-distance relationship is 125 miles.

Five ways to keep a long distance relationship

•  Always keep contact with your loved ones and this includes calling your partner, texting him or her. Try as much as possible to at least send a romatic good morning text to your lover, ask him or her how was the night and wish him a blessed day. This one only will make your partner to think about even while at work.

• Use social media to communicate to your lover, try sending him/ her your current photos, photos play a very important role in a long distance relationship because it makes your lover to feel like he is closer to you.

• Always try to be available for partner, never be busy, don’t allow her to feel lonely because that one only will make her replace you with another person who will be available for her.

• Send your partner some money, yes money keeps relationship, ladies needs your money as a man.

• You should always trust your partner, never make him/ her feel like you don’t  trust the love she has for you.

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