Uganda news

NRM Apologises To Ugandans For Leadership Mishaps

NRM Apologises To Ugandans For Leadership Mishaps

The NRM Secretary-General, Richard Todwong, in a message posted on the NRM party’s Twitter account, said that the mishaps in their administration over the years were not intentional.

He, therefore, asks Ugandans to pardon areas in which they have not performed to their expectations. He added that they will do better next time.

Todwong’s apology comes at a time the party is celebrating Liberation Day. This is commemorated annually on 26 January. Furthermore, he also congratulated the party leadership and the public for celebrating the day (NRM Liberation Day)

On behalf of the NRM party, I would like to wish His Excellence the President of Uganda, the NRM leadership, and the public a happy anniversary of Liberation Day. This anniversary comes out of the hard work and commitment the leadership of the party has put in. We don’t take it for granted,” he said.

He added: “As a party, we look forward to doing better in the coming years. I just hope that people understand that governing is not easy. Once in a while, we might have overstepped but whatever was done was for the good of the country.”

During the 5-year war that saw the NRA come to power in 1986, over 200,000 people in Greater Luwero lost their lives. The party is celebrating this year’s anniversary in Kakumiro district.

Source: Newslex Point

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