
Nairobi man forced to raise twins alone after wife dies during delivery

Ouma left for the hospital looking forward to seeing his wife and their newborn children.

But he knew things were not okay the moment a doctor pulled him aside.

His wife had not made out of the delivery room and he immediately knew that spelt tough days ahead.
Nicholas Ouma said his wife developed labour pains and he rushed him to the health facility where she was immediately admitted to the labour ward.
The father of three said his wife called him several times before she went completely unconscious but nurses asked her to stop talking so she could breathe properly.
Hours later she had not delivered yet and became unconscious, forcing him to sign consent papers before going back home to take care of their elder daughter. Later in the night, he received a phone call from the hospital notifying him that his wife had successfully given birth to their twin daughters but she was exhausted.
Ouma left for the hospital the next day looking forward to seeing his wife and their newborn children. But he knew things were not okay the moment a doctor pulled him aside. His wife had not made out of the delivery room and Ouma knew immediately that spelt tough days ahead. “I met the doctor who took me to the theatre room where we had a conversation on my wife’s health and I told him she had been fine and he just told me she did not make it,” said Ouma
The father of three said sometimes he wishes he had the ability to breastfeed his five-week-old baby twins.
He left the babies in the care of the hospital as the family proceeded with the burial of his wife but the risk of them contracting COVID-19 while at the health facility forced him to take them home. The father of three, a tailor, says sometimes wishes he had the ability to breastfeed his five-week-old baby twins they same way their mother would have done. He also has to constantly deal with his elder daughter’s questions on her mother’s whereabouts, while still trying to come to terms with the mysterious death of his wife.

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