
Man Runs Away With a Ballot Box Full of Votes in Tanzania Elections

Man Runs Away With a Ballot Box Full of Votes in Tanzania Leaving Voters Stranded

Tanzanians on 28th October, 2020 lined up to select their leaders in the general elections. Many polling centres saw a number of voters stream in to practice their constitutional right.

However, a voter surprised many after he dashed out of the voting room with a box full of votes leaving voters stranded. It has been the talk across cities in Tanzania and Africa. No one new that such an incident could happen. His intentions have not yet been confirmed.

Reports show that the man came by a motorbike and asked the rider to wait for him as he voted. He them confidently walked into the voting room to cast his vote. The rider kept waiting for him.

After voting, he made well calculated moves and dashed out with the box that he had dipped his vite into. He quickly passed the box to the rider and ordered him to accelerate away from the scene. It’s said that the man is a well known person, only that some people fear him.

Voters stranded

Tanzania went to the ballot to select a president for their country. The tussle between sitting president Pombe Magufuli and his major opponent Tundu will see the outshines the other after votes have been counted. The police are in pursuit of the man.

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