
Bobi Wine on his Education

National Unity Platform And People Power President as finally responded to City Lawyer Failure Male Mabirizi claims that Bobi Wine didn’t study senior six meaning he is not qualified for Presidential Seat.

Male came out requesting for Bobi Wine papers he used to stand as a member of parliament which the Electrol commission responded positively and released.

According to male, he claims that Bobi Wine can’t finish form six at 16years according to the papers he is using,

According to Bobi Wine story, he tells the public that he was so wise that he even sat his Primary Seven exams in P.6 meaning he didn’t go for p. 7 after passing trial exams in p.6.

Robert kyagulanyi ssentamu has today aired out tomorrow 1st of October he is going to talk about his education through a Facebook live and he takes Mabirizi claims as propaganda set by the government to attract peoples attention and forget about the struggle.

Here is Bobi Wine post:

I rarely pause from very important work to respond to regime propaganda aimed at detracting us from our mission.

But in the recent days, allegations have been made about my academic documents and age intended to cast doubt on my integrity and character. For the benefit of the brothers and sisters who may be shaken by these state sponsored attempts, I will address the nation tomorrow at 10am and clarify on a number of things. I Will be live here.


Read also:Making sense of Mabirizi Male case against Bobi Wine

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