Uganda news

Okello Musa appointed Chairman General of Notu

Okello Musa appointed Chairman General of Notu

National Organization of Trade Union (NOTU) leaders have resolved to appoint Okello Musa as interim Chairman General after indefinite suspension of Usher Wilson Owere from office citing  bad leadership.

NOTU is anon profit labour organisation that represents millions of Uganda workers with labour unions across the country.

Charles Bakabulindi workers MP addressing journalists in Ntinda advised Usher Wilson Owere to adhere to the rules of the union and appear to disciplinary Committee if he still needs office or go to court

“In labour union movement we treat our brothers and sisters harmoniously. You serve and leave for others other than becoming a monopoly.  If Mr Owere respects our union terms he can either appear to disciplinary committee to regain his office or go to court to protect the leadership, “Bakabulindi  said

For three months now Notu said been facing leadership crisis with lots of internal fights over who should lead office.

Others forced out include NOTU secretary general Peter werikhe.

At least 24 Labour Unions of the NOTU governing council voted to withdraw confidence in Owere accusing him of failure to resolve issues in NOTU and mismanagement.

Owere is also accused of dictatorship, hence he was consequently replaced with Bubuulo West MP Stephen Mugole.

However Owere says some members of the Council are running away from accountability issues and want to find their way into the office so as to hijack the law.

“This indiscipline will not be tolerated; we must make sure this organisation remains the best in Uganda and East Africa,” Owere said.

He said only delegates’ conference in December will be  the only one way to throw him out of office not meetings in hotels where members have been given money

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