Uganda news

Minister of Energy and Mineral Development warned over frequent absenteeism from Parliamentary duties

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Minister of Energy and Mineral Development Ruth Nankabirwa has received a warning over alleged frequent absenteeism from parliamentary duties.

Following a recent sitting of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline, several lawmakers lodged complaints about Nankabirwa’s poor attendance to the speaker Anita Annet Among following sessions related to her docket.

It was claimed the minister failed to honor multiple invitations to address questions from MPs.

MPs further alleged Nankabirwa did not properly sign in and out of parliamentary premises on days she was reportedly present. However she was cautioned the serial absenteeism could constitute improper conduct if not adequately explained.

Meanwhile in her defense, Nankabirwa said she had not deliberately skipped sittings and that some absences were due to personal and work commitments outside of her control.

She promised to be available moving forward and underscored her commitment to transparency. While stopping short of formal disciplinary action, the committee warned any future absence not backed by reasonable cause could be referred to the House disciplinary committee for sanctions.

They made clear attendance of ministers is mandatory, not optional. Nankabirwa must now walk a tightrope to regain the confidence of lawmakers who approve her ministry’s budget.

This incident also puts the spotlight on absenteeism among cabinet members and serves as a reminder of their parliamentary accountability.

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